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A less invasive surgery using a full-endoscopic system for L5 nerve root compression caused by lumbar foraminal stenosis.
Ishibashi K, Oshima Y, Inoue H, Takano Y, Iwai H, Inanami H, Koga H.
J Spine Surg. 2018 Sep;4(3):594-601.(これまで椎体間固定術が行われていたようなL5/S1レベルでの腰椎椎間孔狭窄10例をFESSの内視鏡システムを用いて治療した。80歳の分離すべり症(Meyerding grade 2)を伴う1例の除き、前例で痛みの軽減やJOAスコアーの改善を認めた。)
The modified transforaminal endoscopic technique in treating intracanalicular combining foraminal and/or extraforaminal lumbar disc herniations.
Zhang Y, Pan Z, Yu Y, Zhang D, Ha Y, Yi S, Shin DA, Sun J, Koga H, Phan K, Azimi P, Huang W, Cao K; written on behalf of AME Spine Surgery Collaborative Group.
Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2018 Oct;8(9):936-945.
Posterolateral Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy with Partial Pediculotomy for the L1-L2 High-Grade Downward Migrated Disc Herniation
Kitahama Y, Koga H, Taigo K, Minami M, Miyake H, Yamamoto S
Head Neck Spine Surg. 2018; 2(5): 555596.
Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy via adjacent interlaminar space for highly down-migrated lumbar disc herniation: a technical report.
Inomata Y, Oshima Y, Inoue H, Takano Y, Inanami H, Koga H.
J Spine Surg. 2018 Jun;4(2):483-489.(腰椎椎間板ヘルニアは椎間板から大きく飛び出して、隣の椎間板の近くまで達することがある。この場合、通常の手術方法では広く骨切除したりせねばならず侵襲の高い手術になりやすい。FESSの内視鏡システムを用いて隣の椎弓間から大きく飛び出したヘルニアを摘出する技術的手法を紹介している。)
Significance and pitfalls of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy for large central lumbar disc herniation.
Kondo M, Oshima Y, Inoue H, Takano Y, Inanami H, Koga H.
J Spine Surg. 2018 Mar;4(1):79-85.
Anatomical relation between the accessory process and pedicle in the lumbar vertebrae.
Shiboi R, Hayashi S, Kawata S, Li ZL, Pieroh P, Koga H, Takano Y, Inanami H, Itoh M.
Anat Sci Int. 2018 Sep;93(4):430-436.
Editorial: Determining the management of sciatica
Iwai H, Inanami H, Koga H
AME Medical. J. 2018; 3:26.
Factors related to subjective satisfaction following microendoscopic foraminotomy for cervical radiculopathy.
Tonosu J, Inanami H, Oka H, Takano Y, Koga H, Yuzawa Y, Shiboi R, Oshima Y, Baba S, Tanaka S, Matsudaira K.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Jan 24;19(1):30.
Clinical evaluation of microendoscopy-assisted extreme lateral interbody fusion.
Segawa T, Inanami H, Koga H.
J Spine Surg. 2017 Sep;3(3):398-402.
Minimal laminectomy using the interlaminar approach for percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy
Koga H, Inanami H
Mini-invasive Surg 2017;1:56-62.
Editorial: Improved percutaneous endoscopic translaminar approach for lumbar foraminal stenosis at L5/S1
Koga H
Mini-invasive Surg 2017;1:3-5.
Different operative findings of cases predicted to be symptomatic discal pseudocysts after percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy.
Shiboi R, Oshima Y, Kaneko T, Takano Y, Inanami H, Koga H.
J Spine Surg. 2017 Jun;3(2):233-237.
(FESSの術後合併症の一つにpostoperative discal pseudocyst (PDP、術後椎間板偽嚢胞)があるが、通常画像だけの所見でそれが症状を呈することはまれである。本論文では徴候性のPDPに対してFESSで治療した症例を報告するとともに、FESS後のPDPの特徴などをまとめている。)
Consideration of proper operative route for interlaminar approach for percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy.
Tonosu J, Oshima Y, Shiboi R, Hayashi A, Takano Y, Inanami H, Koga H.
J Spine Surg. 2016 Dec;2(4):281-288.
Diagnosing Discogenic Low Back Pain Associated with Degenerative Disc Disease Using a Medical Interview.
Tonosu J, Inanami H, Oka H, Katsuhira J, Takano Y, Koga H, Yuzawa Y, Shiboi R, Oshima Y, Baba S, Tanaka S, Matsudaira K.
PLoS One. 2016 Nov 7;11(11):e0166031.
Advantages and disadvantages of posterolateral approach for percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy.
Yokosuka J, Oshima Y, Kaneko T, Takano Y, Inanami H, Koga H.
J Spine Surg. 2016 Sep;2(3):158-166.
(FED-PLAでの正しい内視鏡の侵入方法を同定するために、29例のFED-PLAの様々な因子を解析した(椎間孔の大きさなど)。椎間孔の大きさが13 mm X 7 mm以上であれば安全に椎間孔ヘルニアが摘出できることを示した。)
Tubercular Spinal Epidural Abscess of the Lumbosacral Region without Osseous Involvement: Comparison of Spinal MRI and Pathological Findings of the Resected Tissue.
Zhang Q, Koga H.
Intern Med. 2016;55(6):695-8.
Microendoscopic posterior decompression for the treatment of thoracic myelopathy caused by ossification of the ligamentum flavum: a technical report.
Baba S, Oshima Y, Iwahori T, Takano Y, Inanami H, Koga H.
Eur Spine J. 2016 Jun;25(6):1912-9.